"The Global Community of Europe's Tech Innovators"
We are organizing a small internal Hackathon on 29-30 April in Amsterdam!
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the EIT Digital Alumni was a triumph!
Are you a European Doctorate or Post-Doctorate working in the field of ICT? Internationalize your
Here is the final version of #digitalumni17 Agenda!
How an idea led to a business with 135 employees and millions of euros in funding.
One of the attendees of last Women @ EIT event wrote an awesome blog post! Read it and feel inspired
Are you ready for the Annual Meeting of our awesome Community, held in Brussels on 20 March 2017?
"Delivering Europe's Digital Transformation", will be held in Brussels, at The EGG, on March 21
Tobias Boelter discovered a security backdoor that can be used to allow Facebook...
Your wishes for 2017 and a brief summary of 2016!
The 2nd edition of the Startup Days will take place simultaneously in 6 European cities
Would you like to be the lucky one?