Board Elections results have been finalized in May and for the last month EIT Digital Alumni community was in a period of transition. The previous and the new Boards were closely working together to ensure the smooth transition.
Last weekend both Boards had finally had a chance to meet all together (for now only digitally) for two full days to discuss the major topics of EIT Digital Alumni community.
The Handover discussion topics included:
- EIT Digital Alumni, EIT Digital & EIT ecosystem
- Yearly Schedule... & what to expect
- 2021 Budget
- Strategy 2021/22
- How we work... Tools we use.
- How we work... Role Descriptions
- Individual Handovers
Of course, the main focus of Handover meeting was the discussion on the Strategy 2021/22. Unfortunately, situation with COVID-19 was not easy on most of the world including the EIT Digital Alumni community, so the goal for the upcoming year would be to restore the engagement of our Alumni within the community. Both Boards shared ideas on how this can be achieved and the first step will be to reintroduce more physical events with the main one being Annual Meeting 2021! On top of that, the focus will be on reengaging the Local Groups of Alumni located all over the world, stayed tuned to hear more on that! As a reminder, if you want to propose an event, don’t forget to check our Event guideline.
Another major topic of the Handover meeting was proceeding with Individual Handovers for each role. To ensure the efficient transition we organized half a day one-on-one sessions between previous and new Board members.
The last but not least, both Boards used this opportunity to get to know each other better and to socialize as much as possible in an on-line environment!
Officially the new Board will fully take over from 4th of July 2021! We will keep you further updated on our plan and ideas and also will introduce the new Board soon!
P.S. Want to contribute? We would really appreciate your help in reengaging our community! Feel free to contact us with any idea of the event you have in mind through any available channel: Instagram, Facebook or simply via e-mail