Thanks to loosened travel restrictions for the summer, the Alumni Board decided it’s time to have our first physical meeting. As the handover and onboarding of the current board was fully online we invited the members of the previous board to join us in Rome. Their experience and advice was invaluable and provided us a better understanding of our alumni community. We would like to thank the members of the previous board for their dedicated work and persistence during such difficult times. We appreciate your effort and will try our best to carry on.
We started the weekend with defining our vision as the Alumni Board. The goal for us was to dream big and think on what we would like to accomplish as the community by 2030. That was an interesting exercise for both Boards to brainstorm on what we would like to achieve.
This led us to discussions on how we can move towards this vision in the upcoming two years and the short term goals. Due to the lack of events and absence of tangible benefits, the engagement of our community is low. To tackle this, we identified incentives for our Local Reps to re-engage, collected ideas on strengthening the individual connections between the members and worked out a brand new approach towards life long learning.
Our central topic for the weekend was the Annual Meeting, which is the most important event for the rest of this year. Unfortunately, we cannot share any details yet, but we are working hard to make it happen in person. We have discussed extensively different options and we will make sure we comply with both Covid-19 regulations and common sense.
Meeting in person rather than online allowed the members of the Alumni Board to form stronger personal connections and get inspired by the great ideas that were born during the weekend full of workshops and discussions, and of course plenty of fun :)
Stay tuned, we will get back with exciting news soon! If you have any questions or suggestions, get in touch with us via!