Dear alumni,
About six months ago we celebrated the first board elections of our Alumni Foundation. We will now let you know about our current work and show you a glimpse of the future.
EIT ICT Labs goes "Digital"
If you haven't heard already, since June our KIC is now called "EIT Digital", so our Alumni Foundation will also change its name to "EIT Digital Alumni Foundation". Over the next month we will go through all the change of branding.
Board handover
The year started with an intensive handover (not hangover!) workload. We went through all the documents shared by the previous board and learned about the tools and processes they were using to manage the foundation. We checked the invoices of the previous year, the activities that were carried out and the legal documents that were signed. Thanks to this work we were able to detect potential improvements and start designing the future of our foundation. We were the first board to go through this transition process, and we will use this experience to help future boards have a more efficient handover.
New website on the way
Up until now, the website of the foundation has been outsourced. As we are all alumni from programs on information technology, we believe that the website of the foundation should be an example of what the EIT Digital Alumni are able to do. On the other hand, we want to have as much flexibility as possible to build cool ideas into our website. For that reason, we are designing a new website ourselves! This is the first step towards a better communication channel for our community.
Let us know if you have ideas or if you want to collaborate. We will bring you more news about the new website soon.
Networking app at EIT Alumni Connect 2015
In May we participated on the 2nd EIT Alumni Connect, part of the InnovEIT event coordinated by EIT in collaboration with the different KICs. In order to help the alumni at the event connect with people of their interest, we developed a mobile application where users can browse the profiles of other attendees and chat with them to coordinate meetings. It was a great experience! We received a lot of feedback and it is a project we would like to continue, so we can use it to connect with the bigger EIT community in any related event. Write to us if you would like to contribute!
Cross-KIC collaborations
In March we started coordinating with InnoEnergy and ClimateKIC to organize some aspects of the EIT Alumni Connect 2015, and after meeting them at the event in Budapest we started discussing about how we can collaborate to take advantage of the bigger EIT Alumni community. ClimateKIC has the largest alumni community, and the members of their Alumni board were very kind to share some advices to prepare us for a bigger community and self-sustainable foundation. We all agreed on collaborating with each other in the future and an exciting cross-KIC event is already being organized! You will receive more information about that in the upcoming months.
Do you want to organize an event? We can help!
If you would like to organize an event relevant to our community (a hackaton, a seminar, a pitching session, etc), you should definitely turn to us. We are eager to help you organize events with valuable topics, if you involve fellow EIT alumni and/or students. Fill this form to get support from us.
On the other hand, in order to organize events in every EIT Digital node and beyond, we would like to ask for volunteers as “local representatives”. We will provide additional information about this soon.
New Email Address
As all of EIT ICT Labs is transitioning towards the new name EIT Digital, our new e-mail address is now
We hope you are all having a great year, and please share with us any exciting news on your careers ;)
The Alumni Team
Germán, Ágnes, Carla, Frederick & Prithvi