Luckily before the start of a possible second wave of coronavirus, the EIT Digital Alumni Board managed to navigate the current travel limitations and found a matching time and place, in order to have a much needed physical meeting (disclaimer: all members equipped themselves with a bunch of hand sanitizers and face-masks before meeting face-to-face).
After the successful Tuesday Afterwork series and Startup Contest, the Board gathered in Munich in early August to discuss the plan for the second half of the year.
Some of the main topics on the agenda were Engagement and Motivation of our community members after the lockdown, the plans for our website and what we will do with the Annual Meeting in 2020 and 2021.
To tackle these agenda points, the Board decided on taking a few actions over the next few months:
- Firstly, the Board would like to understand better what can incentivize everyone to get more involved (and remain involved), they will prepare a big research study about the profile of our alumni and their vision of "value", to be launched in Q4 2020.
- On another hand, we will also focus on two big events for the rest of 2020: The EIT Digital AlumniHack (25.9-27.9) and the Annual Meeting 2020 (14.11).
- All of these will have official announcements coming up on our website and in our newsletter, so keep an eye out for those and save these important dates in your calendars!
The Alumni Board. From left to right: Paul (Treasurer), Davor (Outreach & Patnerships Officer), Jiayao (Marketing & Communications Officer), Jeroen (President), Craig (Secratary), José Carlos (Events Officer). Gaffar (our Community Coordinator) joined remotely from The Netherlands via video call.