Our Trento Local Group was established in 2016, with some initial collaborations with Speck&Tech. Since then, we have organized several interesting events in Trento and Milan, and created strong synergies with the Italian Node.
In 2018, we helped organize Deep Learning - TrueYou, an event focusing on how Image Classification can provide an innovative system for auto-smashing in dating apps; this was followed by another event on Machine Learning for Healthcare.
Trento was also the location for our unforgettable second Annual Meeting, which amplified our visibility and recognition towards the whole EIT (Digital) ecosystem. This event brought together 100 alumni and friends from the EIT Digital Alumni community to network, socialize, and reconnect!
We also supported the Trento CLC in organizing various events where our Alumni were speakers:
- Wilfried - one of our Doctoral Alumni and founder of Wisebatt - presented his entrepreneurial journey and how he raised 1M€;
- Xin Hu gave a talk about the challenges of IoT and Blockchain in Europe
At the end of 2018, we had a Pre-Xmas Alumni meetup, where we listened to a talk from Ivan Pashchenko, summarized what happened during the year, and celebrated many more to come!
Special thanks to all group members who have contributed to the Trento Local Community and made it what it is today: Luca Manara, Michele Pittoni and Francesco Bonadiman.
We are looking forward to welcoming more people in our team and for a new Local Representative- join our Telegram group and help us organize / suggest even more events!