I am responsible for the project management of EIT Digital Alumni website

A few questions to Shashank Srivastava on what it means to be the Technology (Tech) Officer of the Board.


What do you work on as the Tech Officer? What skills are required in these works?

"I am responsible for the project management of EIT Digital Alumni website, e.g. defining, prioritizing and assigning tasks to our developer. I am also responsible for utilizing our budget for buying different services and softwares to keep our website running smooth and safe. Skills require project planning and management, knowing how a website works, and talking to different technology experts."


What have you achieved in your mandate 2019-2021 as the Tech Officer?

"When I joined the board, there was a migration of the new website going on. Now we have deployed the new website on our testing server for the final review and ready to launch it to all of our members once the election result is out. I’m really excited about that."


What could you have done better or differently during your mandate?

"I would love to have an event during the alumni meeting or separately where we can interact with our board and other alumni to optimize the website and utilize the data in a more efficient way. Also, I think we can find more advanced resources and tools to host our website, I would love to see some improvements in this area."


Interested in this position? Apply now to be the next Treasurer or ask Shashank Srivastava for more information!