How to reach Agaete?
There are multiple ways to reach Agaete from the Airport, but we would recommend renting a car with other people that arrive around the same time as you.
Once you will book your ticket and flight we will help you find with 3/4 people that arrive around the same time and we will put you in contact with a local rental car. We suggest you to book a car for the two weeks, so you will be free to move around the island. The cost should be around 350€.
If you don't want to do so, there are other options to reach Agaete:
🚌Public transport:
1) Bus number 60 (airport <-> Las Palmas): Direct express bus from airport to the main bus stop in Las Palmas (they run every hour or even every 30 min, depends).
2) Buses number 103 & 130 (Las Palmas <-> El Cabo Coliving, last stop: Puerto de las Nieves): Bus connections from Las Palmas to El Cabo Coliving (stop: Puerto de las Nieves), every 30 min or every hour, all day long.
The cost for both buses is around €8/person and it could take up to 2 hours.
Here is the link to the public transport buses.
About a 45 min drive, and the cost of approx €80
How often is the cleaning?
1 x weekly cleaning of all bedrooms/bathrooms and all shared areas, weekly change of towels and bed linen
Is Wifi good enough for working?
El Cabo Coliving has 2 lines of 1GB symmetrical connection (fibre optic) and a network of Wifi 6 Cisco Meraki access points. They have a history of very fast and secure and reliable connectivity.
I need a Visa to travel to Gran Canaria, can you provide a formal letter?
Yes, we can, please reach out to if you need it and we will be happy to help.
Can I join for less than two weeks?
No, we don't have an option to join for less time.
If you still want to come just for a few days you can do one of these two things:
1) Stay in someone else's room that has an empty bed, but this has to be communicated in advance to or to organisers
2) Book a place to stay somewhere else - you will still be able to join our evening activities and weekend tours but not to use the coworking space.
Can I arrive few days in advance or stay some days later?
Yes, you can. To do so, you will have to book the extra days with the venue owner. More info on this coming soon.