Find here the video-streaming of the whole Ceremony!
If in Eindhoven (whether for the Graduation or not), don't miss our Sunday post-breakfast meetup with the Alumni community!
Lights off, spot on. On 24 November 2018, over 220 graduates of the EIT Digital Master School will be shining on stage in a theatre in the Dutch city Eindhoven, while officially receiving their double master’s degree and a certificate from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The so-called "City of Lights" is selected to celebrate the fifth official Graduation Ceremony of the EIT Digital Master School.
This new cohort of graduates will offer Europe fresh talents to help drive the digital transformation. These talents are highly needed in Europe, because according to the European Comission, forty percent of companies have difficulties finding skilled ICT specialists and there will be 500.00 unfilled vacancies for ICT professionals by 2020.
During the graduation ceremony the students and their relatives will hear inspirational speeches from Prof Dr Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital and dr. Jan Mengelers, Chairman Executive Board, Eindhoven University of Technology. After the official ceremony, the students will be invited to a gala dinner and party in the iconic Evoluon in Eindhoven.